Welcome to the Bercow: Ten Years On Schools and Colleges page
Here you will find information and resources we feel will be of particular interest to you, along with practical ideas and resources to help you take action now.
Read our short briefing paper on the main findings and recommendations of the Bercow: Ten Years On report.
Want to take action now? Try some of these practical ideas:
Communication is crucial – Raise awareness!
Use our information sheet, email template and Presentation to convince your local commissioner/headteacher of the need for a focus on spoken language.
Give them the briefing sheet for schools
Watch and share this video clip of a primary/secondary school teacher talking about the importance of spoken language for learning.
Log on to the Communication Trust’s speech, language and communication framework (SLCF) for an audit of your confidence in supporting children and young people’s speech, language and communication and SLCN.
Encourage other staff to do this and use the results as a discussion topic in a staff meeting.
Use our email template and information sheets to contact your local MP.
Use the key features, our information sheet and checklist to start a discussion in your school about effective practice in supporting pupils with SLCN.
A Strategy for systems change – get spoken language and SLCN embedded in plans.
Use our information sheet to check out your school’s SEN information report to see whether there is mention of how you support children’s SLCN. Use our suggested wording to make changes.
An accessible and equitable service
Use our prevalence information to share information with people responsible for commissioning SLCN support. Talk about local prevalence or about the numbers of children with SLCN in your school or college.
Tell your school leader/commissioner about guidance produced The Communication Trust, I CAN and Better Communication to support effective joint commissioning. Share this video with your local school.
Support that makes a difference – share the impact!
Use our information sheet and PowerPoint presentation for primary or secondary schools to share information about progress in spoken language, and the impact of SLCN support with Ofsted inspectors
Use our information sheet and PowerPoint presentation for primary or secondary schools to share progress in speech, language and communication with your colleagues/leaders/Governors.
Demonstrate how SLCN support can impact on outcomes that are meaningful to commissioners.
Early identification and intervention
Audit the competences of staff in your setting using The Communication Trust’s speech, language and communication framework.
Use our information sheet to take a three step approach to identify children and young people with SLCN in your school or college.
Use the best practice principles to audit staff development in SLCN in your setting