Welcome to the Bercow: Ten Years On parents and carers page
Here you will find information and resources we feel will be of particular interest to you, along with practical ideas and resources to help you take action now.
Read our short briefing paper on the main findings and recommendations of the Bercow: Ten Years On report.
Want to take action now? Try some of these practical ideas:
Communication is crucial – Raise awareness!
Use our information sheet, email template and Presentation to convince your local commissioner/headteacher of the need for a focus on spoken language.
Give them the briefing sheet for schools
Watch and share this video clip of a primary/secondary school teacher talking about the importance of spoken language for learning.
Tell your child’s school about National campaigns which support speech, language and communication and SLCN.
Use our information to Start a discussion and Discussion starters in your parent/carer forum, parent group.
A strategy for systems change – get spoken language and SLCN embedded in plans
Join your Parent group to get involved in the development of your local children’s plan, making sure SLCN is an integral part.
Ask your child’s school/setting/schools you work in about the numbers of children with SLCN, and whether it is in the school development plan.
Use our information sheet to check out your child’s school/setting’s SEN information report to see whether there is mention of how they support children’s SLCN, share our suggested wording with your child’s teacher about it.
An accessible and equitable service
Contact your local government leaders to ask about their plans to support children and young people with SLCN locally.
Use our Presentation and Information sheet to share information about local prevalence with people responsible for commissioning SLCN support.
Use the ‘best practice’ principles from the Bercow: Ten Years On report to discuss the support their child is receiving in their school or setting.
Look out for your LA SEND inspection here and take up the invitation to meet with inspectors when they inspect your local SEND services. Use our information sheet for advice about questions you can ask, and ideas for useful information to share.
Tell your school leader/commissioner about guidance produced The Communication Trust, I CAN and Better Communication to support effective joint commissioning. Share this video with your local school.
Support that makes a difference – share the impact!
Ask your child’s setting or school about how they track children’s development regarding speech, language and communication, to make sure they are making progress.